December 2016
A Phase One Desk Study report was required to address a planning condition for the proposed conversion of the existing building at the site in Greater London. The plan proposed a conversion of existing buildings to flats with the addition of an extra storey.
One of EMS’s geo-environmental engineers procured environmental database information and historical maps of the site and surrounding area. These were then thoroughly reviewed before a detailed site walkover inspection was undertaken.
It was found that some former buildings were present at the site along wit a former brickworks with 250m. The site inspection found that a large electricity sub-station was present adjacent to the site.
The report found that there was a risk that polychlorinated biphenyls (or PCBs, often used in sub-station equipment) had migrated onto the site from the sub-station. A lower risk from contaminants resulting from the demolition of former buildings was also identified. The former brickworks was found not to represent a risk in terms of ground gas migration from the site.
The report recommended an intrusive investigation to confirm whether any contamination is present. At the request of the Client, proposals were also submitted for a geo-technical investigation combined with the recommended soil contamination investigation. The proposal included windowless sample boreholes with contamination soil samples and foundation inspection pits around the existing building.
A site inspection found that a large electricity sub-station was present adjacent to the site