What is Included in a Phase 1 Desktop Report?
EMS Geotech’s Phase 1 Desktop Reports will include as a minimum:
An Executive Summary - summarising the findings of the report
All Relevant Site Details - to include site name, boundaries, usage, proposed usage & details of the walkover survey
Historical Appraisal – a review of historical site usage based on past structures, ordanance information and the surrounding area
Environmental Appraisal – This will include aspects such as flooding, hydrology, pollution history, landfill use, contamination sources and hydrogeology
Geological Appraisal – This may include factors such as artificial ground, superficial strata, bedrock, mining, geomorphology, natural ground subsidence etc
Conceptual Ground Model – This a preliminary risk assessment of potential ground related hazards and potential contamination sources. It also looks at their pathways and receptors where there could be potential risks to human health and other factors.
Site Investigation – any recommendations if required. These could include a Phase 2 Intrusive Investigation, Ground Gas Monitoring, Flood Risk or Contamination Investigation etc